Sexual assaults and abuse of children and young people

For this year´s NSfK Researchseminar on theme “Sexual violence in the Nordic countries”, researchers contributed with their studies.

At this page compiled the contributions pertaining to various perspectives on sexual assaults and abuse of children and young people.

Abstracts published at NSfK web

Typologies of sexual assaults among young people: A latent class analysis approach

Lars Roar Frøyland, Senior Researcher, Patrick Lie Andersen, Researcher
Kari Stefansen, Research Professor, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) – Oslo Metropolitan University.

Child sexual abuse – trends in offence characteristics and sanction practices in Finland

Tiina Malin, PhD-student, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki

Videos published on NSfK YouTube channel

Resocialization of persons with sexually abusive behaviour in Greenland: A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges associated with resocializing efforts

Mathilde Salskov Sams, PhD-student at Ilisimatusarfik/ Unversity of Greenland and Aalborg University

KeyNote relating to the theme

Katrine Bindesbøl Holm Johansen