Vacancies in the Nordics, criminology and related sciences

Below you find current vacancies of relevance for Nordic criminology and related sciences.

We hope this will be of help for you. You reach the announcements and further information on the positions by clicking the name of the vacancies in the list below.

Grateful for your contributions to the compilation.
Thank you!

Phot taken from above of the interior of the Royal Library in Copenhagen
Photographer: Yadid Levy/


Malmö University, Policeprogramme: University Lecturer in Criminology

Application DL: April 4th 2021.

Helsinki University, Faculty of Social Sciences: 

Tenure Track or Full Professor in Crime & Public Policy

Application DL: 13.04.2021 23:59 EEST.

Malmö University, Department of Criminology: PhD-student in Criminology

Application DL: April 18th 2021.

University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology: PhD-student for researchproject “Våldtäkt eller samtycke?”

Application DL: April 22nd 2021.