NSfK Council assembles for its ordinary meeting (rådsmöte) once year, usually in early March. Besides the ordinary meeting, the Council also convenes to a meeting (called “minirådsmöte”) in May. This meeting usually has a shorter agenda and is arranged in connection with the annual NSfK research seminar.
From 2020 onwards, the Council has also made several decisions per capsulam.
Minutes from NSfK Interim Council Meeting 14.05.2024
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 11.03.2024–12.03.2024
Protocol from NSfK Council Meeting 13.03.2023–14.03.2023
Protocol from NSfK Interim Council Meeting 21.10.2022
Minutes from Minirådsmöte 19.05.2021
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 01.-02.03.2021
Protocol Decision per capsulam NSfK Annual Support 2021 for NTfK
Protocol Decision per capsulam NSfK Research Seminar 2021, 29.10.2020
Protocol Decision per capsulam Celebrating NSfK 60 years in 2022, 12.10.2020
Minutes from Minirådsmöte 05.05.2020
Protocol Decision per capsulam NSfK Research Seminars 2020-2022, 31.03.2020
Protocol Decision per capsulam re revision of projectbudget for awarded Researchgrant, 09.03.2020
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 02.-03.03.2020
Protocol Decision per capsulam inviting the Editor of NTfK to NSfK Research Seminars, 17.02.2020
Protocol Decision per capsulam additional financing for NSfK grant for Working Group,10.09.2019
Minutes from minirådsmöte 09.05.2019
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 03.-04.03.2019
Protocol Decision per capsulam redisposition of research grant awarded in 2017, 18.02.2019
In 2019 the Council also decided per capsulam on a major up-date of the The NSfK Guidelines for Research Grants. The Guidelines has since been revised in accordance with decisions made by the Council during spring 2020.
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 5.-6.3.2018
Minutes from minirådsmöte 15.5.2018
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 6.-7.3.2017
Minutes from minirådsmöte 10.5.2017
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 7.-8.3.2016
Minutes from minirådsmöte 2.5.2016
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 9.3.2015
Minutes from minirådsmöte 6.5.2015
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 2.-3.3.2014
Minutes from NSfK Council Meeting 11.-12.3.2013
Minutes from minirådsmöte 14.5.2013